Ruby Obfuscator - (Online|OnPrem) Obfuscation of Ruby Source Code

Obfuscate Ruby Scripts (.rb/.RoR), Protect ruby projects of any Complexity - Upload your scripts or use the rb-Obfuscator Privately!

OS Portability

Encrypted script will work wherever Ruby is available!

Ruby Function Files

Can I encrypt Ruby function files/scripts? Yes, you can.

Script File Size

Is there a size limit on the type of Ruby scripts that can be encrypted? No, there is not.

How-To Videos on Script Protection

How to use the enscryption tool (or our web service) to encrypt and obfuscate your scripts - protect your ruby scripts from unintended exposure, theft.

Ruby Script Obfuscation

Submit multiple ruby scripts for encryption. Test the raw/plain text version of the ruby scripts first, before encryption. And after encryption, test the encrypted versions to verify there isn't a difference in behavior.


Tamper Resistance Protection

Tamper Resistant Ruby Script - Encrypt your raw ruby code, Seal it off while simultaneously allowing it to remain executable, Prevent edits or modifications of any kind!


Duplication Prevention

Script Name Preservation - Ensure all protected Ruby scripts cannot be renamed and used under a different name.


Script Obfuscation, Encryption and Protection!

Purchase the right tool to Protect, Encrypt & Obfuscate Ruby scripts!

Online Script Submission (SAS)

Ruby Script Protection (Online)

Obfuscate & Encrypt Ruby scripts (.rb) for use on any system Ruby is installed. Simply login to our online portal to begin submitting Ruby scripts for encryption.

Licenses (On-Prem/Private hosts)

Ruby Script Protection (License)

Obfuscate & Encrypt Ruby scripts (.rb) for use on any system Ruby is installed. Download the encryption tool itself and use it on Linux/Mac systems to encrypt your Ruby scripts.