Automated Source Code Protection

Complete conversion of plain text Source Code into Obfuscated, Executable portable Scripts!


NodeJs Protection - Obfuscate node.js files

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How-To Videos on Script Protection

How to use the enscryption tool (or our web service) to encrypt and obfuscate your scripts - protect your shell, perl, powershell, ruby, python, cli php, rcode source code from exposure, theft.

Shell Script Obfuscation

Encrypt, Obfuscate, Hide, Protect and Secure any shell script (.sh, .bash, .ksh, .csh, .ksh93). Distribute your scripts without exposing proprietary information.


Perl Script Obfuscation

Encrypt, Obfuscate, Hide, Protect and Secure any perl script (.pl). Distribute your scripts without exposing proprietary information.


Python Script Obfuscation

In this video, a python script and all its imported modules are encrypted with no password assigned. For added security, a password can be applied to an encrypted module to ensure it can only be imported from other encrypted python scripts.


Ruby Script Protection

In this video, multiple ruby scripts are submitted for encryption. After encryption, the encrypted scripts are executed and compared to their raw/plain text versions to verify there are no differences in behavior.


Web/Cli PHP Obfuscation

Encrypt, Obfuscate, Hide, Protect and Secure command line Unix, Macs & Windows(Bash) PHP scripts (.php). Distribute your scripts without exposing proprietary information. Get notifications of attempts to break into your guarded code. Encrypt/Obfuscate unlimited php scripts, set expiration dates, prevent duplications.


RCode/RScript Obfuscation

Encrypt, obfuscate and protect r-code scripts. Convert plain text rcode into unreadable, but executable data. Choose whether or not to prevent encrypted script from being executable through Rconsole or RStudio.


PowerShell Script Protection

Encrypt, Obfuscate, Hide, Protect and Secure any powershell script (.ps1)


Most Commonly Asked Questions

OS Portability

Will the obfuscated scripts work on any OS? Obfuscated scripts (of any language) will work on the same OSes that their plain text versions works on. If you happen to have a unique OS and wish to have us confirm for you, feel free to send us an email!

Function Files / Modules

Can I encrypt function files, Modules? Yes. Function files and modules are obfuscated the same way regular scripts are. Additionally, if desired, you can choose to allow function file sourcing or module imports only from other obfuscated scripts.

Script File Size

Is there a size limit on the type of scripts that can be obfuscated? No, there is not. The size of the scripts you obfuscate is irrelevant to the obfuscation process. The code obfuscation process may take a few seconds longer, depending on the size.


My script is very complex. Will that affect obfuscation? Absolutely Not! The complexity of your script does not matter, at all!

Customized Development

Can you create custom features specifically for our company? Sure, if the requested customization is deemed safe and does not introduce potential loopholes.

On-Prem Licenses

Can the obfuscation tool be used on our own private servers? Yes. Click on the icon above the name of your desired language, click 'Buy Now', then click the On-Prem link to view the available options.